Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I'm horrible about keeping up with blogs. A ton in one post.

June came and went. Honestly, I don't remember a thing from that month... Horrible, I know. But, I'm pretty sure the only thing Noah and I did was sit on the couch and watched tv that whole month since I had recently graduated and needed a break-haha I know that's not all but I'm telling ya, pregnancy and my brain/memory do not get along!

July was hot. Too hot to even go outside. Noah and I stayed mostly inside, at indoor playgrounds, or shopping at the mall. It was deathly hot. 122 degrees hot.--Not fun. However, we did manage to go to the Fourth of July fireworks show. Also that month, we decided on a name for our son! Drum roll please..................Graydon Brooks Cheney.-- We love it and honestly don't care if you do or don't. I have heard people say, "It sounds like gratin cheese" or "Grayson is prettier and is more heard of" Well guess what overly opinionated people, we have a daughter named Noah... Do you honestly think we are going to pick a name everyone elses kid has? Yeah, exactly.

In August, Noah had her speech and skill evaluation at a preschool near by. Her pediatrician suggested it since she is shy around him at first and doesn't talk much. I can't blame her though, she knows the poking and prodding will begin shortly after he comes in the room. Anyways, we went to the evaluation which lasted about an hour or so. She passed everything with flying colors and laughed as they asked us wh we brought her! We were told she was ready for kindergarten already! Talk about Kevin and I feeling like the BEST parents on earth--we were PROUD! Also that month, Noah had her first dentist appt. Okay so the best parent in the world feeling went away when the dentist told us she was supposed to come in when she got her first tooth. Ehh oh well. Anyways, she has perfect teeth (all straight) and zero cavities! The dentist was pleased to see that, but was in shock when the assistant told him that Noah sat still for the wing xrays. (The plastic piece that you put in on the sides of your mouth and bite down--which feels anything but good. Honestly, it hurts. So, to see a 3 year old do it without a complaint is obviously a big deal. Well, it was to the assistant and denist.(= )Later that month, Kev and I decided that it would be fun to do one last vacation just us three before Graydon gets here. So, that night we booked our hotel! Beach, Disneyland, and SeaWorld here we come!

Monday, September 26, 2011

We're having a.... (May 25, 2011)

We decided to get a genetic testing done with this one. The test checks the thickness of the spinal cord. If it's too think it is an indication the baby might have Down Syndrome. Thankfully, the spinal cord was the right size. With that testing, the technician wanted to try to look at the anatomy of the baby to make sure everything looked good. When the tech put the wand over its 'private part', it was no guessing game to say the least. As clear as day, my baby had wankie- a penis! Kevin, Noah, and I were SO excited! We couldn't stop smiling for days!

Kevin and I are going to have the best of both worlds- A beautiful daughter and a handsome son. :)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Coronado Beach and Laguna Beach (May 2011)

I know, it has been forever since I have blogged! Shame on me! Let me start where I left off from my blog 2.5 months ago!

On our last two days of vacation we decided to hit the beach. The beach we went to that day was Coronado Beach. Let me tell you, it is the most gorgeous place I have ever been to in my entire life. Since it was FREEZING. We spent most of the time playing in the sand and running from the waves. We played for hours. Since you can see Mexico from the beach, we decided to drive down to see how close we could get. Everything on the other side of the boarder looked so beautiful and completely blew my mind that on the other side of a fence how different our cultures are. On our way back to downtown Coronado, Kevin wanted to stop at a Pizza shop he had when he went on a duty here a year or so back. It was the most delicious pizza I had ever had with the most expensive price I had seen for a pizza! - $55 for a large pepperoni! That evening we were wore out and decided to head back to the hotel where my dad and grandparents were to go to sleep since the next day was our last day and we wanted to visit one more beach before our drive.

The next day my dad and grandparents decided to head back to Tennessee which meant Kevin, Noah, and I would be headed to Laguna Beach by ourselves. Oh, what another beautiful place to be. Those waves were killer compared to the day before. The temperature was a good 15 degrees higher which made the beach experience for a 3 year old very enjoyable. After playing, we decided to hit the shopping malls on the other side of the beach. Ahhhh what is there not to love about shopping and the beach atmosphere?! Noah loved every minute of it as did I. Spending quality time with my sweet husband and daughter is always such a blessing! After shopping for a couple hours, we decided we HAD to hit the road to head back to Phoenix. We stopped at a Del Taco for a quick and easy supper before getting on the interstate that was amazing. We had never ate there before and we were quite surprised how good it was. It put Taco Bell to shame actually! It took Noah no time to pass out for the night- this vacation wore her out! We got home around 12am and Kevin and I both passed out as soon as we got into bed!

The next day we were supposed to go to a Diamond Backs/Braves game, but Kevin came down with a 24 hour stomach virus or food poisioning so we gave those tickets away. I was so bummed for him because he was so excited about going and those tickets were his ALS graduation present from Noah and I. Bless his heart, I still feel bad he had to miss it. :(

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Vacation to Disneyland and Califorrnia Adventure- May 15&16

The day after my graduation we headed to San Diego/Anaheim for a mini vacation. Kevin just graduated ALS and I just finished school. Needing a vacation was an understatement!

Since my Dad and grandparents came out for my graduation and Noah's birthday, they came along as well. The first day we were there was on a Sunday. We decided to go to the Magic Kingdom because they only had fireworks during the weekend. Unfortunately, it was crazy cold and windy which they canceled. However, that didn't stop us from having fun. We got there when they first opened and rode EVERY single ride Noah could ride. Noah had such a blast! It melted my heart to see how much fun she was having. When it got dark, Disneyland had a "Fantasmic" water show and by the time we found a perfect spot to sit Noah was passed out from her bubble gun in one hand and her Jessie doll in the other. After a long day, we were exhausted and readyto head back to the hotel.

Noah and her Daddy riding their first ride!

Noah playing with the spinning marble ball.

Waving to the camera.

On the Frontier River Boat with Daddy and her great grandfather, papa.

She wasn't too sure about Goofy.

The next day we headed to California Adventure. When we got there the sun was shining and the temperature was about 75 degrees! It was great compared to the weather at Magic Kingdom. The first place we went was into Playhouse Disney for a show that Noah just loved! She danced and clapped her hands the WHOLE time! She was too cute to explain. However, when the show ended and went outside the weather had changed... It was now about 57 degrees and cloudy.. We bundled up and pressed on! My dad and Kevin went to ride the Tower of Terror while my grandparents and I took Noah to It's a Bug's Life. She rode every ride in that part of the park! When Kevin and Dad found us we headed on and rode more rides! Her favorites were Toy Story that my whole family rode and the moving ferris wheel (which Noah screamed like a mad women on! It was too funny but she loved it.) Since we got to California Adventure kind of late, time had gotten away from us and was almost time for closing, but the last show they put on was the World of Color which was also a water show like at Disneyland. We had to watch from behind the water show, that's right behind it. Therefore, everything we seen was opposite from what everyone else saw. Reason being is, we didn't try to get tickets until last minutes even though they were free and ran out of room. Our fault, but it should be first come first serve on seating, I think! We were FREEZING by the time it was over and just wanted to get in our warm car and hop into bed!

Getting ready for Toy Story ride! Lol we all had a blast!


Oh how her pawpaw hangs the moon to her

The wind got the best of her Mickey mouse ears

At Playhouse Disney waiting on Mickey Mouse!!!

Yum, Cheetos!

Disneyland Ferris Wheel

That smile melts my heart.

Happy 3rd Birthday Sweet Noah Maye! (May 12, 2011)

Noah, if I could wish one thing, I wish time would slow down so I could enjoy your childhood longer. Always know how much joy and happiness you have brought to my life and will continue for all of my life. Happy 3rd birthday, sweetheart.

We started out the day going to my graduation ceremony which only lasted an hour then it was straight back to "Noah's Big Day". We had a small birthday party at our house with only my dad, grandparents, and Kevin and I. We started out by ordering pizza which is Noah's favorite. After eating, we lit candles and cut the cake! It was also her favorite, icecream cake. Then we opened presents which Noah loved! She got a leapster hand game from her pawpaw and money from her great grandparents. She opened mine and Kevin's gift next and absolutely loved her Mobie game boy and Princess and Toy Story 3 games. After playing for a while we all hoped in the car and went to the mall to shop. We ended the day by eating icecream and going to local park. It was a wonderful day and I love seeing how happy my daughter is when it's "her day".

A lot of happenings into 1 post (March & April 2011)

Not a lot happened in March except making the pregnancy known and going to the Luke AFB Air Show.

In April, Kevin started ALS which meant Noah Maye had to start preschool due to our schedules. Talk about one tore up Momma. My baby was already starting preschool and I wasn't thrilled of that idea at all.

Later that month we had the first dr. appointment for Cheney #2 and let me tell you, Noah had everyone cracking up by some of the things she was saying like, "My momma has MY baby in her stomach." She is such a trip and loves her baby and the idea of her being a big "siser". The baby looked great! The heartrate was 163 beats a minute and sounded good!

A few days later was Easter. Shame on us, we didn't get up and go to Church. We did however, slow cooked ribs and took Noah easter egg hunting! She loved it!

April was coming to an end which meant finals were coming...ugh. And the horrible Funeral Service Compend would be read cover to cover. I can't stress enough how much I hate finals...

Monday, June 20, 2011

We're PREGNANT!!! (March 18, 2011)

We are more than thrilled to tell everyone our exciting news of bringing another human into the world. This pregnancy was planned to a T. Due to me being in school and around too many chemicals to name, I had to wait things out a bit. We conceived on March 5th and 8 DPO (days past ovulation)we got our BFP (big fat positive). To have a positive that soon was crazy to us. I even googled HCG levels that soon and they all lead back to "A positive that soon means high HCG levels which is a possibility of multiples" Of course, I didn't tell Kevin because even though we tried to conceive, we never expected to get pregnant within the first month trying, and I knew he was still trying to wrap his head around the fact we wee about to have TWO children!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Summing up 2 months into one post (Jan & Feb 2011)

I was so ready to get back into the groove of things, and for Noah to be on a schedule again. Plus, I was ready to get back to school. I missed my friends and keeping busy. Yeah, that lasted a week and I was ready for vacation again. That's normally how it goes though.

February snuck up on me. Kevin was keeping busy with work and I was busy with school. We were on completely opposite schedules and it was horrible. The only time we saw each other were to say hello/goodbye while passing each other out the door. Valentines day rolled around which I was in shool that day, but had been asked to go embalm and decided to go which I didn't tell Kevin because it happened often that I had to go. While embalming I got a message from the school that my husband sent a dozen roses to school for me. Due to me being an hour away from school I had to call Kevin that I didn't recieve them but I did know about them. He was a little aggravated that he spent money to have them delivered and to surprise me when he could have just as well had them waiting for me when I got home. He understood it wasn't my fault but just bad timing. Of course I felt horrible about it. I felt like I failed him on Valentines day because I didn't receive the roses but weren't surprised like I would have liked to been. However, when I got home he had an amazing dinner waiting for me. I was mentally and physically drained. I had been on my feet from 9am - 5 in gelly shoes! I had a huge test the next day and guess who didn't study and still aced it. Yep, that's right. ME! After dinner I went straight to bed and had to wake up bright and early again at 4:30 am to head to school. The next day, my wonderful husband surprised me and sent me chocolate covered strawberries from a classy bakery shop and on the note it said, "I bet you weren't expecting these. Enjoy" Not only did I get to see/get my beautiful roses everyone was gocking over that I didn't get to get the day before, I recieved a huge box of chocolate covered strawberries that day. I heard all day in class how lucky I was. Which I totally am. I have a very wonderful man that knew how hard I was on myself for not being there to recieve the roses but sent berries for me the next day to be able to be surprised since I didn't get my surprise on Valentines Day. I'm truly blessed.

SHHHH!!! It's a surprise party! (Jan 13, 2011)

My dear husband was turning the big 2-6 on Jan. 13. I could tell he was a little upset about it due to the ole "I'm closer to 30 than 20" nonsense. I had been planning this party for about 3 weeks and everyone was coming. I had everything planned out but couldn't go out to get the supplies and such due to not having a car, Kevin being extremely moody because I was first(I'll get to that in a minute), and oh yes, the roads were a big sheet of ICE!.

The day of the party I woke and got ready and so did Kevin...which was not the plan. He already made plans which means he was taking the only car we had in TN! I told him I would drop him off that I had to meet one of my friends to pick up a shirt or some lame excuse and would meet up as soon as I got it, but he was not going for it. I told him to go ahead and take it and I would take my dad's vehicle when he got home, but ran late and never showed... Which made for an extremely stressed wife. When Kevin returned, he wanted to go out to his Dad's to help with barn work and got extremely pissed when I told him I was not going. I told him, I didn't feel like driving out there and being stuck watching him work. That was not how I want to spend my vacation! (Which I totally wouldn't have minded, but due to the circumstances I had to get him off my back about it) Then it came out. He told me, "It's my birthday! You are being extremely selfish and I don't want you to go with me now that I know you don't want to be with me on my birthday". Harsh I know... It's funny when you get your feelings hurt you remember word for word what your loved one says to you... I had to dry my tears when he left and call my friend, Amber. I was on the verge of cancelling the whole party. How could someone be so cruel to someone that is throwing you a surprise party, I asked her. She reassurred me that his feelings were hurt too. She was right, I told him I had better things to do on his birthday! What kinda ass was I?! I cleaned up my running mascara and was going to walk to the store if I had to. His party was going to be the best surprise party Manchester, Tn has seen. Luckily, my dad showed about the time I finished cleaning myself up and let me borrow his car. I got all the decorations and such and gave them to my mom because she was the one going to set things up while I took Kevin out to dinner! We went to dinner which was amazing and headed to walmart for a minute to stall. I told him I had to head to the bar where the party was to give Amber a set of earrings she let me borrow. He fell for it. Gullible sucker! haha! I told my mom that we were about to walk in and she failed to get everyones attention due to the music and friends that were socializing. Even though he didn't get the whole "SURPRISE!!!" thrown at him, he was still very much in shock. The first person he went to see was his family, his friends, then my family. His mom went up to him and I could tell what was being talked about because they both looked over at me. "That girl went through hell to pull this off. You are one lucky guy". I could see his misty eyes from across the room. It was definitely the highlight of the week, not because (insert sassy voice) I showed him but I could tell he genuinely was appreciative of me and could tell how much he loved me. Later, we played bar trivia and it was a blast. Kevin was on another team. I didn't want to leave my friends hanging and neither did he. After the game a slow song was played and he came up and asked me to dance. No one else was slow dancing, and to be honest, I have NEVER seen anyone slow dance at a bar, but I didn't care. He was mine for those few minutes before he had to go back to his friends. We actually got a few couples up there to slow dance too. Even with all the snotty looks from the bar regulars, we didn't care. When we left, it was late and we were hungry so we ate waffle house then headed home. The day consisted of happy, mad, sad, determined, touched, and loved feelings. I seriously felt like I needed some sort of bipolar medicine by the end of the day from all the highs and lows. However, to sum it up, I wouldn't change a thing because it couldn't have ended any more perfect.

Friday, June 17, 2011

A new year and snow day! (Jan 2011)

Being a military wife and living nearly 2000 miles away from family is hard to find a sitter to have date night with my husband. Luckily while we are home we have multiple people that are willing to take Noah for the night so Kevin and I can have good time, and we are soooo appreciative.

On new years eve my parents offered to watch Noah so we took them up on it and went out. We decided to meet up with friends at a local bar to celebrate the new year. We had a blast. Being with great friends and my husband was much needed and was the most fun I had in sometime. They are all such a great group of friends and they constantly keep me laughing.

A few days later, it snowed...A LOT. Kevin, Noah, and I went outside to play in it and made snowmen. Later, my parents went to pick up my neice and we played more and had a huge snowball fight for a couple hours. After we went inside and got into our warm, comfy, laying around in the house, clothes Kevin recieved a phone call from a friend and wanted to know we wanted to ride fourwheelers out in the country. I originally told him to go without me because it was getting late and I didn't want my mom to have to watch Noah and my neice, Alysaa by herself. I guess she saw some sort of disappointment in my eyes because she told me to go on that I don't get to get out much and I should. (I hope I'm as cool and understanding as she is when my daughter gets older). After getting there, it was FREEEEEZING. 9 degrees is too cold for anyone to be outside, but I put on my big girl panties and my coveralls and played. I was pulled on a sled behind a fourwheeler and seriously thought I had frost bite from all the snow slung in my face and eyes. It was the coldest I had ever been. Needless to say, Kevin and I didn't stay long. If we were teenagers again we probably would have but I feel like were too old to be out in that sort of weather. (Plus we were the oldest ones out there, not to mention the only ones married with a nearly 3 year old which made us feel way out of place!!!) After we left, we stopped and got hot chocolate, filled the truck up, and rode and looked at the beautiful snow. All in all it was a beautiful and fun filled day!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Christmas festivities with a little bit of mushy love (Christmas 2010)

Our Christmas vacation was such a blast. Noah loves seeing her grandparents and just enjoys everything in Tennessee.

A couple days before Christmas Kevin, Noah, my sister, my niece, my parents, and I headed to Opryland for a fun filled day! We went to see ICE and SNOW and boy did we freeze. The wind will literally cut you in half. The kids had fun throwing snowballs at other people, making snow angels, roasting smores on a camp fire, and seeing reindeer! I decided we should head to the mall after we finished up for some SHOPPING! Well, what better way to warm up than fighting crowds two days before Christmas?! It was still pretty early so we stopped at a store for Krispy Kreme donuts and headed to Brentwood to look at Christmas lights!

The next day was mine and Kevin's 4 year anniversary! That's right, we have been married 4 years! Can you believe it? Where has the time gone? Don't count moving out of state, having a beautiful baby girl that was nearly 3, and a semester left in college? Oh yea, that's where.. But it still has flown by and I absolutely love my life with my amazing husband. Anyways, that day we dropped Noah Maye off with Naomi and Ken (Kev's parents) and headed to the avenue. (Let me make this clear, we live 1750 miles away from any family. Dropping our kid off for dates is a BIG deal.)But, before the Avenue, Kevin pulled the truck over on the side of the road and took me by the hand and walked me into the woods. It was freezing and didn't realize where we were and of course I questioned his crazy ways. Finally, we made it. It was the spot we had one of our first dates at the Rock Quarry going into Murfreesboro. It brought back so many memories it nearly had me in tears. I guess it's true what everyone says, it's the small things that count. An hour later we were at the Avenue shopping and making last minute Christmas purchases. We were starving when we left so we headed to a bbq joint and pigged out! It was getting late when we left so we decided to scurry over to Toys R Us to get Noah's present from SANTA real quick before heading home! (Which she loved by the way)

On Christmas Eve santa came to my parents Christmas party to give all the kids their Chirstmas gifts early!

On Christmas morning I recieved the best gift ever. SNOW! I can't even remember the last time it had snowed on Christmas. After watching Noah open all her gifts, we bundled up and played in the snow. (Probably one of the most memorable Christmases ever) We finally went inside from nearly freezing to death to hope in the shower and head to my nana and pawpaw's for Christmas festivities, my great aunt and uncle's, then to Kevin's parents. We had such an amazing time. We really enjoyed ourselves and seeing everyone! I don't think it could have been any better.

Pictures from that day (not in order)

Noah and her bicycle

Papa Miller with his great grand children and great great grandchildren

My beautiful Noah in her Christmas dress.

Noah and Pawpaw riding in the snow

Making snowballs.

Opening gifts. Something had her tickled.

My hunny opening his nerf bars for his truck

Noah looking in her BEAUTIFUL dollhouse her Pepaw made her.

My beautiful family (Noah has a mouth full of marshmellows.)

Look at that smile! She is my pride and joy.

I love this picture. Noah and Ma. Noah's great great grandmother.