Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I'm horrible about keeping up with blogs. A ton in one post.

June came and went. Honestly, I don't remember a thing from that month... Horrible, I know. But, I'm pretty sure the only thing Noah and I did was sit on the couch and watched tv that whole month since I had recently graduated and needed a break-haha I know that's not all but I'm telling ya, pregnancy and my brain/memory do not get along!

July was hot. Too hot to even go outside. Noah and I stayed mostly inside, at indoor playgrounds, or shopping at the mall. It was deathly hot. 122 degrees hot.--Not fun. However, we did manage to go to the Fourth of July fireworks show. Also that month, we decided on a name for our son! Drum roll please..................Graydon Brooks Cheney.-- We love it and honestly don't care if you do or don't. I have heard people say, "It sounds like gratin cheese" or "Grayson is prettier and is more heard of" Well guess what overly opinionated people, we have a daughter named Noah... Do you honestly think we are going to pick a name everyone elses kid has? Yeah, exactly.

In August, Noah had her speech and skill evaluation at a preschool near by. Her pediatrician suggested it since she is shy around him at first and doesn't talk much. I can't blame her though, she knows the poking and prodding will begin shortly after he comes in the room. Anyways, we went to the evaluation which lasted about an hour or so. She passed everything with flying colors and laughed as they asked us wh we brought her! We were told she was ready for kindergarten already! Talk about Kevin and I feeling like the BEST parents on earth--we were PROUD! Also that month, Noah had her first dentist appt. Okay so the best parent in the world feeling went away when the dentist told us she was supposed to come in when she got her first tooth. Ehh oh well. Anyways, she has perfect teeth (all straight) and zero cavities! The dentist was pleased to see that, but was in shock when the assistant told him that Noah sat still for the wing xrays. (The plastic piece that you put in on the sides of your mouth and bite down--which feels anything but good. Honestly, it hurts. So, to see a 3 year old do it without a complaint is obviously a big deal. Well, it was to the assistant and denist.(= )Later that month, Kev and I decided that it would be fun to do one last vacation just us three before Graydon gets here. So, that night we booked our hotel! Beach, Disneyland, and SeaWorld here we come!

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