Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Horrible Mother.

I feel terrible about not blogging more. I do. Where to start? The last thing I wrote about was the gender of our baby I believe. Here's a overdue update on our life the last many months. (Not as detailed as I would like, but better than nothing.) September In September Kev, Noah, and I took a vacation to Disneyland and to the beach for a last vacation of a family of 3. It was amazing and Noah enjoyed it SO much. That month I also cut 21 inches of hair off and gave it to Locks of Love. Even though I really miss it, I'm so glad it could help someone. October In October, I believe I was getting as big as whale and LOVING every minute of it! ha! What's pregnancy when you watch what you eat? Halloween came, and Noah went trick or treating as FUFA. Also that month, we had a scare with baby and had to get admitted to triage in the Labor/Delivery unit because his heart rate was 80-90 bpm. Everything turned out fine, he was just a very lazy fetus. November We tried to finish up with the baby room and everything we needed. My birthday, Nov. 21, came and was extremely relaxed and wonderful. We had Steak Salad for dinner and that night we went into the hospital at 9pm to get induced...

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