Thursday, May 31, 2012

We are moving to ITALY!!!

Tuesday was like any other day. I woke up with Graydon at 6am, fixed breakfast, put him down for a nap, ect. I decided I would go to the tanning bed when Kevin woke up to get some alone time. I thought a lot about my life and where it has taken me the last 5 years. I thought about things I have never done. I thought about the children I'm raising and hoping to God I don't turn them into psychotic individuals. I thought about my life more than I have in a long time that morning, but thought it was my hormones and lack of sleep.

Kevin decided he would go to work a few hours early since he knew he would be getting off early for his PT test Wed. morning. Around 5 pm I heard Kevin's assigned ringer go off and thought what did he forget. He never calls when he is at work, only texts. When I answered I knew something was wrong by the pause after I said hello. He then tells me, "It's a good thing we haven't closed on our house." Of course, I'm freaking thinking the worst. He said, "I got orders." Dammit. He has to go to Korea. For a year. By himself. He then asks if I'm sitting down, and says, "We have to be in Aviano no later than Jan 31st but can leave as early as Dec 17th." Of course, I said YEAH. OK, I heard that joke once before when you graduated from Tech School in 2007. Plus, Italy orders just don't fall into people's laps. They normally have to go to Korea for a year unaccompanied. After getting him to swear on my life, I knew he wasn't lying. I hung up on him because I knew he didn't want me to scream in his ear from all the excitment I had. After the 20 mins of screaming and dancing, Noah was terrified and begging for her daddy to come home while Graydon was crying hysterically. ehh. They will recover. HA.

After the excitment of moving to Europe calmed and all the phone calls were made, it hit me. What the HELL do I do? I have a million things to do before we just up and leave our lives we have made in Arizona the last 5 years. I almost felt sick to my stomach because 7 months just doesn't seem like enough time to move to a different continent.

I have to say that the craziest part of that day, when I was laying in the tanning bed, I remember thinking one day I will be like Julia Roberts on EAT PRAY LOVE. I'm going to travel the world and do what people only dream about. hmmm.

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