Friday, June 17, 2011

A new year and snow day! (Jan 2011)

Being a military wife and living nearly 2000 miles away from family is hard to find a sitter to have date night with my husband. Luckily while we are home we have multiple people that are willing to take Noah for the night so Kevin and I can have good time, and we are soooo appreciative.

On new years eve my parents offered to watch Noah so we took them up on it and went out. We decided to meet up with friends at a local bar to celebrate the new year. We had a blast. Being with great friends and my husband was much needed and was the most fun I had in sometime. They are all such a great group of friends and they constantly keep me laughing.

A few days later, it snowed...A LOT. Kevin, Noah, and I went outside to play in it and made snowmen. Later, my parents went to pick up my neice and we played more and had a huge snowball fight for a couple hours. After we went inside and got into our warm, comfy, laying around in the house, clothes Kevin recieved a phone call from a friend and wanted to know we wanted to ride fourwheelers out in the country. I originally told him to go without me because it was getting late and I didn't want my mom to have to watch Noah and my neice, Alysaa by herself. I guess she saw some sort of disappointment in my eyes because she told me to go on that I don't get to get out much and I should. (I hope I'm as cool and understanding as she is when my daughter gets older). After getting there, it was FREEEEEZING. 9 degrees is too cold for anyone to be outside, but I put on my big girl panties and my coveralls and played. I was pulled on a sled behind a fourwheeler and seriously thought I had frost bite from all the snow slung in my face and eyes. It was the coldest I had ever been. Needless to say, Kevin and I didn't stay long. If we were teenagers again we probably would have but I feel like were too old to be out in that sort of weather. (Plus we were the oldest ones out there, not to mention the only ones married with a nearly 3 year old which made us feel way out of place!!!) After we left, we stopped and got hot chocolate, filled the truck up, and rode and looked at the beautiful snow. All in all it was a beautiful and fun filled day!

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