Saturday, June 18, 2011

SHHHH!!! It's a surprise party! (Jan 13, 2011)

My dear husband was turning the big 2-6 on Jan. 13. I could tell he was a little upset about it due to the ole "I'm closer to 30 than 20" nonsense. I had been planning this party for about 3 weeks and everyone was coming. I had everything planned out but couldn't go out to get the supplies and such due to not having a car, Kevin being extremely moody because I was first(I'll get to that in a minute), and oh yes, the roads were a big sheet of ICE!.

The day of the party I woke and got ready and so did Kevin...which was not the plan. He already made plans which means he was taking the only car we had in TN! I told him I would drop him off that I had to meet one of my friends to pick up a shirt or some lame excuse and would meet up as soon as I got it, but he was not going for it. I told him to go ahead and take it and I would take my dad's vehicle when he got home, but ran late and never showed... Which made for an extremely stressed wife. When Kevin returned, he wanted to go out to his Dad's to help with barn work and got extremely pissed when I told him I was not going. I told him, I didn't feel like driving out there and being stuck watching him work. That was not how I want to spend my vacation! (Which I totally wouldn't have minded, but due to the circumstances I had to get him off my back about it) Then it came out. He told me, "It's my birthday! You are being extremely selfish and I don't want you to go with me now that I know you don't want to be with me on my birthday". Harsh I know... It's funny when you get your feelings hurt you remember word for word what your loved one says to you... I had to dry my tears when he left and call my friend, Amber. I was on the verge of cancelling the whole party. How could someone be so cruel to someone that is throwing you a surprise party, I asked her. She reassurred me that his feelings were hurt too. She was right, I told him I had better things to do on his birthday! What kinda ass was I?! I cleaned up my running mascara and was going to walk to the store if I had to. His party was going to be the best surprise party Manchester, Tn has seen. Luckily, my dad showed about the time I finished cleaning myself up and let me borrow his car. I got all the decorations and such and gave them to my mom because she was the one going to set things up while I took Kevin out to dinner! We went to dinner which was amazing and headed to walmart for a minute to stall. I told him I had to head to the bar where the party was to give Amber a set of earrings she let me borrow. He fell for it. Gullible sucker! haha! I told my mom that we were about to walk in and she failed to get everyones attention due to the music and friends that were socializing. Even though he didn't get the whole "SURPRISE!!!" thrown at him, he was still very much in shock. The first person he went to see was his family, his friends, then my family. His mom went up to him and I could tell what was being talked about because they both looked over at me. "That girl went through hell to pull this off. You are one lucky guy". I could see his misty eyes from across the room. It was definitely the highlight of the week, not because (insert sassy voice) I showed him but I could tell he genuinely was appreciative of me and could tell how much he loved me. Later, we played bar trivia and it was a blast. Kevin was on another team. I didn't want to leave my friends hanging and neither did he. After the game a slow song was played and he came up and asked me to dance. No one else was slow dancing, and to be honest, I have NEVER seen anyone slow dance at a bar, but I didn't care. He was mine for those few minutes before he had to go back to his friends. We actually got a few couples up there to slow dance too. Even with all the snotty looks from the bar regulars, we didn't care. When we left, it was late and we were hungry so we ate waffle house then headed home. The day consisted of happy, mad, sad, determined, touched, and loved feelings. I seriously felt like I needed some sort of bipolar medicine by the end of the day from all the highs and lows. However, to sum it up, I wouldn't change a thing because it couldn't have ended any more perfect.

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