Saturday, June 18, 2011

Summing up 2 months into one post (Jan & Feb 2011)

I was so ready to get back into the groove of things, and for Noah to be on a schedule again. Plus, I was ready to get back to school. I missed my friends and keeping busy. Yeah, that lasted a week and I was ready for vacation again. That's normally how it goes though.

February snuck up on me. Kevin was keeping busy with work and I was busy with school. We were on completely opposite schedules and it was horrible. The only time we saw each other were to say hello/goodbye while passing each other out the door. Valentines day rolled around which I was in shool that day, but had been asked to go embalm and decided to go which I didn't tell Kevin because it happened often that I had to go. While embalming I got a message from the school that my husband sent a dozen roses to school for me. Due to me being an hour away from school I had to call Kevin that I didn't recieve them but I did know about them. He was a little aggravated that he spent money to have them delivered and to surprise me when he could have just as well had them waiting for me when I got home. He understood it wasn't my fault but just bad timing. Of course I felt horrible about it. I felt like I failed him on Valentines day because I didn't receive the roses but weren't surprised like I would have liked to been. However, when I got home he had an amazing dinner waiting for me. I was mentally and physically drained. I had been on my feet from 9am - 5 in gelly shoes! I had a huge test the next day and guess who didn't study and still aced it. Yep, that's right. ME! After dinner I went straight to bed and had to wake up bright and early again at 4:30 am to head to school. The next day, my wonderful husband surprised me and sent me chocolate covered strawberries from a classy bakery shop and on the note it said, "I bet you weren't expecting these. Enjoy" Not only did I get to see/get my beautiful roses everyone was gocking over that I didn't get to get the day before, I recieved a huge box of chocolate covered strawberries that day. I heard all day in class how lucky I was. Which I totally am. I have a very wonderful man that knew how hard I was on myself for not being there to recieve the roses but sent berries for me the next day to be able to be surprised since I didn't get my surprise on Valentines Day. I'm truly blessed.

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