Saturday, June 25, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday Sweet Noah Maye! (May 12, 2011)

Noah, if I could wish one thing, I wish time would slow down so I could enjoy your childhood longer. Always know how much joy and happiness you have brought to my life and will continue for all of my life. Happy 3rd birthday, sweetheart.

We started out the day going to my graduation ceremony which only lasted an hour then it was straight back to "Noah's Big Day". We had a small birthday party at our house with only my dad, grandparents, and Kevin and I. We started out by ordering pizza which is Noah's favorite. After eating, we lit candles and cut the cake! It was also her favorite, icecream cake. Then we opened presents which Noah loved! She got a leapster hand game from her pawpaw and money from her great grandparents. She opened mine and Kevin's gift next and absolutely loved her Mobie game boy and Princess and Toy Story 3 games. After playing for a while we all hoped in the car and went to the mall to shop. We ended the day by eating icecream and going to local park. It was a wonderful day and I love seeing how happy my daughter is when it's "her day".

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