Wednesday, August 22, 2012


My baby is 9 months old today! Where has the time gone? Really, where the hell has it gone? I just posted I was pregnant 2 months ago...or so it seems. He is such a blessing and has the sweetest personality. He has started doing this granny grin (the only way I can explain it) where his face scrunches all up, he tilts his head back, and all you can see is his teeth. If I'm lucky, he will start giggling while doing it and try to catch my attention. PRECIOUS!

He can now ARMY CRAWL! Hey! Better than I thought he would be able to do since he is so massive. He is getting quick, too! He is pulling up on everything as well! Pulling Dvds out or pulling pots out of cabinets is his absolute favorite thing to do right now.

The other night when he was playing dentist with my mouth, he kept poking my nose. I started poking his and saying "nose...nose" I let him down for a little bit while I was cooking, and when I was finished I put him back in my lap and asked him where my nose was? He poked it! Maybe that was coincidence, but the next morning when I went into his room I bent over his crib, I asked again and he found it. Coincidence or not, I'm going to keep working with him on finding features of the face!

Lastly, a couple days ago we were having pizza for supper. Noah was sitting in the floor and all of a sudden I heard her dramatic cry. I look over, and yup, head tilted back and doing the top-notch-telling-on-you cry. I look closer, Graydon crawled to her plate and stole her pizza. Half of the pizza was in his mouth while the other half was mashed in his hands. I decided to cut him up a piece and he did wonderfully with it. I guess he wanted something different than the all organic food he has been getting ;)

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