Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Medical Board Meeting

We had our medical board meeting yesterday. Nerve racking was an understatement. Kevin didn't have to go, but he's my rock and I needed him there with me. When we arrived on the 3rd floor of the hospital, there was another couple waiting to be seen. They looked more nervous than me. It made me think 1. I got this or 2. I need to get more nervous! This is the moment of truth if we get to move abroad or not. My dream of visiting moving to Europe was either going to come true or crushed into a million little pieces.

Next thing I heard was the young airman ask if we were ready. Let me tell you she was the true definition of "military-woman-that-hates-all-civilian-wives" until I told her that I graduated college and what my degree was in. (Normal behavior of a military women. Happens a ton if they assume you don't do anything with your life and just mooch off your husband's check. NOT COOL.) She too had an interest in Mortuary Science and tried to do it through the military. We hit it off after that. HA! Anyways, we went back to the conference room where the doctor/commander of the hospital, doctor in the special needs department, and the airman were. "No Psychologist?! Whaaaat?!" Everyone that I talked to who had anxiety said a psychologist was present, but I'm assuming since I was not on medication or have never seen a counselor, they didn't feel the need to have one.

They started off with the kids and how healthy they were. They asked if they were on any medication. I spoke up and said, "Noah was on acne medication." The commander started flipping through files abnoxiously. "Crap. My big mouth always gets me in trouble" was what I thought." I told her the situation when she asked and she said that it wasn't a big deal. Heck, I didn't want them to pull a fast one on me, and as soon as I said no, they would say, "Well Mrs. Cheney, it looks like Noah is on medication."

Before they started asking me questions, they asked if I was comfortable with my family being in there while I talked about my health. I told them I didn't mind. I had absolutely nothing to hide. The commander who was running the show asked if I was on medications, went to mental health, or have anxiety issues now. She then asked exactly how that appointment went down 2 years ago. No shame, I Told her the whole appointment was because of an allergic reaction to formaldehyde and... Before I could finish, she asked if I saw the funeral home reality show and if I hadn't I needed to watch it ASAP! Yes, I didn't even get to finish the details of the appointment. Next thing I know a big PASSED was stamped on my medical papers, and we were good to go.

Now I see how silly it was for me to worry the last month over and issue that wasn't an issue. WHEW. Glad that is over!

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