Thursday, August 2, 2012

Fourth of July

Kevin had off two days for Independnce Day. We don't do much for the holiday except grill out and take the kids to see fireworks. Around 5 am I woke up with Gray. Shortly after, I decided to go for a run while pushing him in a non jogging stroller. WHEW! Talk about a workout! While running, I thought it felt extra humid which is crazy since we live in the desert. As I made it back to my house, it definitely looked, smelt, and felt like it was going to rain. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! The one day we DON'T want it to rain it does?! Oh, I knew Noah was going to be upset if we didn't get to watch fireworks we have been talking about for weeks. I was dreading telling her they may have to be postponed. After about two hours of it raining, my whole family couldn't stop yawning so we decided we would take a short nap since this NEVER happens that all of us being sleepy at the same time. We laid down around 1030-11am and didn't wake up until 3!! If you have children, you know how rare that is! As soon as we woke up, Kevin started the grill. We decided to have cheeseburgers which is not the norm. We rarely have red meat, normally just chicken, so it was quite the treat. After eating, we noticed the rain had stopped. Thank God!! It meant I wouldn't have to deal with a cranky 4 year old. We finished watching the Braves game, and got the kids ready to go. When we got to the firework area, we sat up our chairs in the back of Kevin's truck. Man, I love that truck and sure am going to miss it when we move. Thankfully, since it rained the temperature dropped about 20 degrees. The fireworks finally started and lasted roughly 20 mins. Graydon didn't give a hoot about anything except Noah's chocolate shake. Bless it and his love for food. Noah couldn't or wouldn't stop talking about them the whole ride home. Ahhh She's too precious for words. I love this age and the excitement she sees in everything.

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