Thursday, August 2, 2012

The PCS process.

I'm late about writing, but what's new?!

The process of the move (at the time... I have a whole other post about our hold up)has been going wonderfully. The only real problem I've had was with a snotty little brat in TMO (people who plan your move you and book your flights). I know I get ahead of myself and others most of the time, but I'm not one to dilly dally around to say the least.

We are going home for a week or two at Christmas and then we will fly out of Nashville to Baltimore to start our journey to Italy. Kevin and I went to renew our military ids because they were expiring THE next day so it had to be done. On the way out, I told Kev we should go put in for a date to leave. He didn't object. Hell, he never objects. He leaves big matters up to me. He knows I like the work and responsibility because I'm a control freak--and that's the honest truth. While we were walking in to book, I noticed a lady behind the desk looked so upset that we walked in. Stroller and all. It may have been because it was 30 mins before they closed. Still not a legit reason if you ask me. I proceeded to say all we wanted to know was if she could go ahead and write down the day we wanted to leave so we could book our flights home (that would be out of pocket) before we left. THAT.IS.IT. She looked at me like I had two heads or something. As I tried to explain she kept cutting me off mid sentence not letting me get one word in. She also kept saying that they wouldn't have the flight list out until November since we are leaving at the end of December. It was obvious by that point she had zero parents or guardians because she had absolutely NO manners. To make matters worse, we have a friend that leave to go to Aviano as well that already put in to leave November 1. When I told her, she kept saying no. no. no. no they don't. I stormed out. Poor Kev knew he would hear about it for the next week or so. I even asked an official who I go about to 1. get her in trouble and 2.put down the dang day we wanted to leave NOT to book our flights.

Oy. I guess I'll keep calling every few days and be that lady.

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