Thursday, August 2, 2012

Hold up. Wait a minute. That was in MY file?!

Tuesday I had my medical clearance appointment. My Pcm (doctor)had changed. Thank God was what I was thinking, until I met that Bitch. Excuse my language, but I would rather be in a room with Ted Bundy, Jack the Ripper, and Charles Manson with a table full of knifes than her.

When I walked in the nurse and airman did the normal physical-height, weight, questions. Piece of cake. Soon they left, and said the Cpt. would be in shortly. I heard a knock and young voice say "I'm Cpt. unnamed (just in case for the sake of my husband's career.) I see you have anxiety?" I immediately said, "Not that I'm aware of." The interrogation started. Rudely she asked, "Did you or did you not go to your PCM for 2010" Whoa lady, what are you....wait I.. remember... My old PCM put that down?! Really?!

Let me explain

In 2010 I made an appt. with my old PCM because I was having an allergic reaction to formaldehyde. My hands kept turning blue. Not a light shade of blue, but blueberry snow cone blue. Not normal. Let me add, this was right around finals. As we were finishing up, the doctor did what all doctors do and asked "If there was anything else?" I said I'm kind of stressed. I have finals and I still have 6-7 bodies left to embalm within a week. Seriously, it was almost small talk. He asked if I wanted medicine. I laughed and said absolutely NOT. It would pass in a week. He then said, do you want to go talk to mental health about your stress. I chuckled again, and said nah. I got it. It would pass.

Hell, who has been in college that hasn't been stressed? Better question, who has been to college as a mother, trying to find childcare so she can finish her embalmings, study for finals and didn't get stressed? Yeah, you probably won't find too many people that don't get stressed around finals.

I told the Cpt. the whole story of what had happened. She acted as if I was lying. She wrote quick in my medical clearance papers. Slam dotted the i's and dramatically crossed the t's. She shoved me the papers, and as she walked out, she said, "Have a nice day." Yeah, sure will, lady... What a wuss move. She didn't want to be in the room when I opened the papers? Didn't ask if there was anything else that I needed? Had any concerns? In my opinion, if you pick a profession that deals with people and their health, you should probably 1. like to talk to people 2. have compassion towards people and 3. at least act like you want to listen to people.

I opened the papers to see what on earth she could have put..
Because of school.
No longer in school.
Zero meds.
No counseling.

That is it.

If you know the military, you know how strict they are about mental health (dang I feel like they are acting like I'm a basket case just typing 'mental health') and moving overseas. They think if you have problems in the states they will be worse overseas. Which I'm absolutely certain that is true. Military life is tough, but for the umpteenth time, I do not have anxiety issues! I feel like this whole thing was blown WAY out of proportion.

Words from my lovely, military best friend, who is now in Japan, that I miss dearly, "Better chill out before you give yourself anxiety and panic attacks from worrying about the anxiety you never had." I suppose she is right, I can't do anything about it now except explain to the scaarrrrrry medical board when we have our meeting.

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