Thursday, September 6, 2012

Shipping our vehicle.

About a week ago I attended a Smooth Move Briefing the Air Force offers to all families PCSing. Kevin had just gotten off work, and both kiddos were sick so I decided it would be best if I went solo. It was very informative, and I highly suggest going if you are about to move. Kevin and I have been wondering how the whole shipping our car would go, and how much in advance we would need/want to ship it. I was told the earlier the better since it can take up to 90 days to get your car when you move. Since we are 20 minutes north of base and only have one car now, we couldn't ship it too early because Kevin would not have a way to work. When I sat down at Smooth Move, a NCO that was sitting behind me who happened to also be moving to Aviano told me we absolutely HAVE to take it San Diego or LA to ship our car. Makes sense. It is the closest port to us. Until the briefing started, I had the worst gut feeling just thinking how the heck we were going to drive to San Diego, get back, and out process the final days we were at Luke. After TMO (movers) started talking, that horrible gut feeling subsided. Since we're moving to Europe which is East, we are allowed to drive toward our destination. Since we are going home to Tennessee for Christmas before we move, we can drive our car to the Atlanta port for our car to be shipped (There are only 5-10 car ports in the US and Atlanta is one of them) and use Nashville or the Atlanta air port to fly out of when our vacation comes to an end. Majority of people fly out of Baltimore, but we are really hoping needing it to be Nashville or Atlanta. The only way we can do that though is if it's cheaper for the Air Force. If it isn't cheaper, Kevin is going to talk to TMO to see if we can pay the difference! Fingers crossed!!


  1. Hi Cheyenne! I was glad to see you commented on my blog! What part of Tennessee are you from? I'm from Chapel Hill..teenie tiny place 45 mins sounth of Nashville. We will have to meet when you get here!

    1. I'm from Manchester! I'm not sure if you've heard of Bonnaroo Music Fest that happens every year in Manchester? Kind of how people know the town. It's about an hour south of Nashville. I love Chapel Hill and the spooky train light. haha. Too many good memories from there! Yes, we will have to meet up for sure!!
