Sunday, September 9, 2012

Our Busy Saturday

Kevin had gotten called into work for weekend duty. Let me just say, I was NOT in a good mood. We have one car now so that means I would have to take him to work-at the break of dawn. Did I mention Saturday is my day to sleep in? I was all sorts of moody. I had a crying baby I didn't want to deal with. I had a crying child who was upset because her hair wasn't brushed. She obviously didn't notice she was still in her pajamas while we on our way to base and didn't realize we were NOT getting out of the car no matter how many time I told her. Let me just say, I'm normally more patient than that with my kids, but all mothers have their moment where they just want to scream from frustration, and I've learned to just keep quiet (or ignore) than regret my words. That's really what it all was-frustration. I had it in my mind and tired body that I was going to get to sleep in, and it all came crashing down when I heard my husband say, "I gotta go in." I could have cried. On the way to base, I told Kevin we HAVE to get coffee. I would have seriously died if I didn't get my caffeine fix. Maybe not, but still, I needed it. When he returned to the car, he told me to guess how much it was. I was not in the mood to guess. I quickly said, "No clue, with prices these days" He said, "FREE." Free? National coffee day was really the first thing that came to mind, but that vanished quickly when I thought that day should be on a Monday not Saturday when people get to sleep in. Which brought me back to why I was super pissy about the whole ordeal. He told me the cashier saw him in uniform, shook his hand, and thanked him for his service. I melted. Every bit of my bad mood, went away. How awesome! Then I realized, "Wow, I can really be an ass" I had to get up and take my husband to WORK and play with my precious kids all day. I have it SO bad. My poor husband didn't want to go (12 hours of work at that), and I was complaining because I didn't get to sleep an extra hour or two. Shame on me!

The kids and I came back home so Noah and I could pick the house up and for all of us to get ready. Noah had her teeball meeting at 12:30. When we arrived, I realized the meeting was held at a preschool with TONS of toys. Guess who didn't pay attention to the meeting and all the coaches? My child and the other 60 children. Parents were handed the rule book, picture packets, and game and practice schedule, and we were done. I bet they will think twice about having a meeting at a play area again. haha. Therefore, all the parents have to go over the rules with the children which is fine by me! It was a loud, loud zoo in that small area. I was glad to get out. I love like children. Really, I do. But...they can be quite annoying when there are dozens of them. Especially when the number of boys dominate over the girls, and we all know the amount of energy boys have...

When we left, both kids were fast asleep in the car. I hadn't been to Target in FOREVER so I wanted to go check out the clearance isle. Both kids were in an okay mood for not getting their naps out. Surprisingly, the only thing I found that I needed was a pencil pouch. I've been wanting one for my PCS binder to hold our passports (Which work wonderfully if you are wondering). When we left Target, I thought we would make our way to ROSS. I've been looking for Noah gymnastic wear and heard they sometimes get leotards/unitards in. Nope, didn't find a thing that had to do with any kind of sports. I did, however, find Noah a pair of OshKosh skinny jeans for $7 and OshKosh sweater for $5! Score! We've been trying to stock up on the kid's winter clothes so it is easier on our bank account than going all at once for everyone's winter wardrobe. Italy winters are a little more intense than the mild Arizona's winters so we need heavier clothing than a wind breaker jacket.

We went home for lunch and quiet time. Graydon naps. Noah reads with her Leappad/plays in her room until Graydon wakes up, or I come get her so we can have one on one time. I catch up on house work if there is any, or read or watch Netflix on my Nook. Works wonderfully. I absolutely love it. After the household started moving, I decided it is too nice out to be cooped up in the house. We are at home all week because again, we only have one car right now. We deserve to get out. Plus, it's not too healthy in my opinion. Where did we go? On base. There is something about base, any base for that matter. Meeting and learning about other military families is so exciting. Everyone is so alike, but different. I decided to head to the BX (base exchange- Kind of like a taxless walmart/kmart for us military folk) since Kevin should be getting off soon. I came across the CUTEST outfit for Noah. I played my cards well or so I thought. "Ew Noah, look at that outfit." Normally anything I say I like, she hates. I've said it before, I'll say it again, we butt heads ALL the time because we are SO much alike. Reverse psychology did NOT work. I changed my attitude toward this awesome outfit. "Well, I guess we could dress it up with a cute bow and some black maryjanes." Still didn't work. "Man, this child has to have this outfit" is what I was thinking. "Noah, just try the shaw on. You may actually love the way it makes you feel in it." "FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNE," She said. I felt I had an audience. Yep. I did. Three other moms with their children, were looking. After it was on, she hated it even more. She was whining, crying, and screaming about it itching. That is always her excuse if she doesn't want to wear something. If she saw someone else where it she would absolutely love it. It's because her Mother liked it. I pulled a "Mean Mommy" and bought her two! muahaha. A red/black/white one and purple/dark purple/beige one. Here is a picture of loving it WHEN her Daddy said how pretty the outfit was...

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