Thursday, September 13, 2012

Christmas is right around the corner!

Normally, I've finished Christmas shopping months ago. This year has been a little different. We didn't know if we were going to wait until we moved to do Christmas, have an early Christmas, or just take the kids to Toys R Us in Austria to pick out what they want. We quickly changed our minds on them having a shopping spree. There is absolutely nothing magical about picking out your own Christmas presents. There would be no curiosity what's wrapped under the tree, no running down the hall to tear open presents, and no excitement on their little faces when they see what they've opened. NOT IN MY HOME! No way, no how! You know how there are people known as the crazy cat lady? Yeah, I'm the crazy Christmas lady. I take pride in the title! I've earned it! Therefore, Kevin and I have agreed on buying their presents, shipping them, and doing our own little Christmas after we get our shipment and are settled in. As I wrote a few posts back, we are going to do one big shippment which will probably happen the end of next month or the very beginning of November. That means I have a little over a month to get my butt in gear and Christmas shop! This year we will be trying a new Christmas shopping technique. When it was just Noah, it was VERY easy to go overboard with gifts. Since I have two kids that both get to open gifts and only have a short amount of time to buy, I need a little more organization. They both will get the same amount of presents and get gifts that fall under the same categories.

Thank you fellow blogger, Kim, for posting about this a few years ago! I love this idea! Maybe it will be a hit for our family!

Here it is

Something they WANT
Something they Need
Something to WEAR
Something to READ

I also found other catagories on Google to add on to that list. Which are:

Something to WATCH
Something for DRESS UP
Something to LISTEN TO (Adele Cd for Noah. Kid loves her!)
Something to EAT
Something to CREATE (finger paint for Graydon, new paint and brushes for Noah? hmm?)

Let the shopping begin!!!

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