Saturday, June 9, 2012

This week in the Cheney house

Preparing for The Move
This week has been spent making lists...(and catching up on Grey's Anatomy,but Kevin doesn't need to know that) If I'm good at one thing, making lists is my specialty. My first thing was to add onto the list I made a week ago. I must say, there is a lot of energy that goes into things that must be done before a move. (Renew driver license, sell car or cars, call banks, ect) This week the list has been a little more in depth. What are we going to sell?

I started off with the Noah's room. There are plenty of items to sell. PLENTY. Clothes for instance is going to take the longest to go through. After 4 years of Noah wearing clothes, that adds up. Here's the crazy part, I have never sold or gave away a single clothing item. EVER. Things we also will be selling are the toys. The toys that kid has is ridiculous. Therefore, we are selling the things that don't get played with and things that can't be passed down to Graydon. The three biggest toys we are taking to Italy is her doll house that was handmade by Kevin's dad and her train table that still gets played with a ton, and her lego table. Graydon will be at the age soon where he will start to enjoy trains and legos. It doesn't matter if you're a boy or girl, most kids think trains and legos are the coolest.

Graydon's room doesn't have hardly anything to get rid of. Most is just clothes. However, we are going to get rid of his baby activity things like jumper, exersaucer, playmat, ect. that we keep down stairs in our living room.

I decided to wait until Kevin is off work to grow through our room. I for one would hate it if he had to list my things to get rid of, so I'll let him make his own decisions for his things.

The Kids
Everyone asks what do I feed my kids...

If you have ever seen my daughter's pictures, her hair is past her belt loops of her pants. I have trimmed it several of times. Right before Christmas, I trimmed it the shortest it has been and it keeps growing faster and faster every time it gets cut. I hate and love it. I hate it because the longer the hair, the older she looks. People are in shock that she JUST turned four. All I can say is, the girl loves her veggies, milk, and baked/grilled chicken so maybe that is the reason for her long locks.

Graydon is massive. For such a tiny newborn, at 6 months he is 5 lbs from quadrupled his birth weight. Kevin was about the same size at 6 months so that's where I'm thinking he got it from. The kid loves his baby food and his bottles. He is not exclusivly breastfed anymore which was a VERY hard transition and decision for me to make, but getting sick two times within two and a half weeks will do you in. These bugs that I came down with were the kind you don't want to be around anyone and definitely not bed touched. My milk supply went VERY low and would hurt everytime he latched on, so I threw in the towel. The positive way I looked at the situation that I was so heartbroken about was, I made it half a year! It is definitely better than nothing so I have came to be proud of that long.

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