Friday, June 22, 2012

Cheyenne Marie Cheney. United States Air Force Wife?

The life of an Air Force Wife MINE

If my husband is on a normal shift, I wake up every morning to make sure my husband's uniform is clean and ready to go. I pack his lunch and he is off. Normally I don't see him again until the kids are asleep and I'm getting ready for bed myself. I do it all over again, and again. Yes, that is very Air Force wife-y of me, but that title does NOT make me who I am.

Let me explain myself, that role is a small part of my life. It feels like a smack in the face when someone says "Oh you're an Air Force wife. Thank you for being your husband's support system." The gesture is nice, but really, is that ALL I am to society? Can someone not simply say, "Your husband is in the military, but tell me, what is it YOU do?" I have dreams, goals, and accomplishments too that I'm damn proud of. I don't live on base and I recently started to meet military wives after 6 years. Thank you, but I'm perfectly capable of meeting women by myself and becoming their friends without our lives being nearly identical. I CAN have any kind of friend I like. They CAN be pro war or against it, bible bangers or Muslims, and gay or straight. The idea that every military wife has to be pro war, bibles in their hand, and well, against gays (thank God don't ask don't tell is now in the past), is sickening. I know a lot of people don't expect us to be that way, don't get me wrong, but there are plenty that still do. What I'm saying is, I wish people would except that I have my own life, I'm a free thinking liberal, have friends of ALL walks of life, and Kevin and I are raising our children to love everyone and let them choose who they want to be and be with in life. Yes, my lifestyle MAY not be the same as yours and I may not think the same as you, but diversity DOES make the world go round.

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