Sunday, January 20, 2013

Moving to Italy

Boy did it sneak up on me fast! We just received orders yesterday, or so it seems. I WE love it here. A whole lot to get used to, but I like change and adapt easily to pretty much anything.

The children were AWESOME on the flights. The only tantrum we dealt with was in Germany when Noah lost her dollar store Minnie Mouse charm off her necklace. Not too shabby if you ask me. Oh, and the mini tantrum I pulled when Noah's luggage was "misplaced" in Germany that had my "just bought" boots in them. However, it turned up in Aviano so I was perfectly okay.

My first "OH YEAH, we're not in America anymore..." happened the night we got into Aviano. Our Sponsor helped us up to the room, and asked Kevin if he wanted to go to the commissary to get food to cook, and I immediately blurted out "We can just order a pizza. We are tired and it's fast and easy." A long pause from our sponsor and a "Uhhhhhh about that... yeah, no." came straight from his mouth. HA! If only there were delivery places here.

Current News:
We found a house today we love and started our lease this afternoon. It's HUGE! It ummm... has two kitchens. I know, I know... You're probably asking who the hell needs two kitchens. But, WHO THE HELL DON'T? What? You've never ran out of counter space or ovens? Because I have! It has a fenced yard, green grass, wrap-around porch-that needs hanging flowers, big living room, furnished dining room WITH a beautiful hutch, 1 kitchen upstairs, 1 full bath upstairs, 3 bedrooms upstairs, playroom downstairs, 1 kitchen downstairs, another bedroom downstairs, 2nd bathroom downstairs, laundry room, and garage. I love it, and I love that I can see the Church steeple/town clock from the front porch. It's also walking distances from the town's weekly market.

I'm picking up Italian quick. Grazie e' Dio! I have actually caught myself a few times starting to speak in Italian to Kevin. Noah loves to throw her newly learned words and phrases around, too! It's so cute! Speaking of Noah, she starts Asilo in a week or two. How fun! She's going pass Kevin and I up soon on the language, and she will have to translate things to us!

Hopefully tomorrow Kevin and I can find something fun to do. Unfortunately, there's not too much to do in this little country... I kid, I kid. Maybe Venice or Verona is in our 48 hour future. How romantic would either be?


1 comment:

  1. I am super excited for you guys. I also will begin learning some Italian. I know I will never be able to speak it fluently, but a little will help when I arrive there. I love you guys and miss you all deeply. Have fun kids and live it up. Love, mom
