Thursday, September 2, 2010

What a LONG and EXPENSIVE week.

I can't explain how bad I HATE TOYOTA or ASCEND FCU for that matter...

So we bought a Tundra 3 weeks ago and go figure, they only gave us one damn key...No spare, really Toyota?? Anyways, on Tuesday Noah and I were headed to base to get groceries but before we left I had to get our one car seat out of the truck and put it into the Mazda. Silly me put the truck key down on the trunk so I could hook the seat in. That's not that bad part. I saw it sitting on the trunk and thought to myself "Oh man, I better grab that before I drive off and lose it!" Well, about that time Noah is whining because I need to scoot the seat up so she has room, and you will never guess what I forgot to do... Yep that's right, I forgot to pick up the key and drove off with it..

When I realized what I had done I was already on base shopping. I quickly grabbed the phone and called Kevin to go outside and look on the ground, garage, or road. But he found NOTHING. I was so sick to my stomach about it because of it being our only set, I literally put everything back and left to go look for it. I searched for 4 hours riding the same route and walking up and down the road.

That night I called Toyota to see how much it would to make a new key. At first he said $7 bucks and needless to say I was ECSTATIC, but then he "dropped the bomb on me" and told me because it was a newer vehicle that it would be $100 bucks for the key and service and that's not including another $100 bucks for towing!! Therefore, because of the penny pincher I am, I called Toyota and asked if they could do a forgiveness key or something since they only gave us one. Of course, they said no.

The next day after thinking hard about it, I was okay with the key costing money. No use crying over spilt milk, especially when it was my fault! However, I had to call Toyota again and ask what the hold up was on paying off the Jeep since it was a trade in. All they could say was that Ascend FCU will not release information without my consent. Come on, Ascend...Really, you would think you would want your money and besides, it did not have any personal information on it. So then I called Ascend, and they said I needed to come up there and fill out a release form (which I have had other car loans through Ascend and they never asked of this when I traded a car, but whatever they make the rules up as they go), but that doesn't work when I live in AZ. After frantically searching for a fax machine, I found one. After calling back and forth between Toyota and Ascend, everything was golden... At least that's what I thought. My car salesman called and said we owe Toyota $138 because the pay off was more than my ESTIMATE. WHAT THE HELL, TOYOTA. Why the hell didn't you look into that. What if Kevin and I said we owed nothing on the Jeep would you have believed us?? So because I made an estimate that should have been looked into, I now owe a multimillion dollar company $138. Thank you Toyota for rapping every penny out of me...

So quick recap.. $150 for a key because we didn't get a spare.$138 for making an estimate on something that clearly should have been looked into on the day of purchase of the truck.

$300 isn't too bad, but it is when you have other bills to pay, groceries to buy, and save money for Christmas. Ay Ay AY, you can never come out ahead because it's always something.


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