Again, I'm long over due.
Christmas is only 22 days away. Have I mentioned how much I LOVE CHRISTMAS, and how I start shopping and listening to Christmas music at the end of July? Well, I do. I can't help it! I love everything about this time of year like the crisp air, the atmosphere of everyone rushing around, the lights, eating, gaining weight, even rude people at the mall! EVERY SINGLE THING. If there is one wish for my sweet Noah, I hope she cherishes Christmas and giving just like her Momma. I want her to know giving and seeing someone's face light up because you thought and cared about them is a gift in itself. I also hope she teaches this selfless act to her kids just like my mom has to me and my grandfather has to her.
I started Christmas shopping in August and finished up in October. You must be thinking why? Well, I like to NOT be broke for the holidays. AND I like spending time with my family instead of worrying about shopping such as looking at Christmas lights, baking with my daughter, watching classic Christmas films like Christmas Vacation, and keeping my house tidy and smelling like baked apple pie.
We will be leaving to go to Tennessee in 15 days and boy oh boy am I excited. I'm excited for my parents to see Noah! They are going to be shocked when they see how much of a priss she is. I'm also excited about doing things with them as a family again. When Kevin and I were dating, we didn't act like normal teenagers and go out with friends all the time, we WANTED to be around my parents because of how much of a hoot they are. WEIRD I know, but it kept us out of SOME trouble. lol. Anyways, we have a full fun-filled day of Christmas activites one day. We are going to Opryland to go to "ICE" and "SNOW" which has Santa's workshop, real reindeer, snow, and ect. We are going to look at Opryland's lights inside and out, then make our way over to George Jone's house for the normal "viewing" (google it), and making our final stop at The Cheesecake Factory. I know, that sounds very planned. But, I have realized when it comes to my family, if you don't plan you will sit around and "discuss" what to do and before you know it, it's dark and a day is wasted...
On my last note, I'm going to tell you what and how Noah is doing these days.
*The why questions. "Why mommy? Why daddy?"
*hide and seek
*better at counting in English and Spanish
*says a few words in Chinese and uses them in correct context
*loves playing make believe. The kid's imagination is HUGE
*loves to make people laugh by doing anything
*has one heck of a temper but sweet when she wants to be :)
*weighs 34lbs
*38 inches tall
“There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign.”- Robert Louis Stevenson
Friday, December 3, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
What a LONG and EXPENSIVE week.
I can't explain how bad I HATE TOYOTA or ASCEND FCU for that matter...
So we bought a Tundra 3 weeks ago and go figure, they only gave us one damn key...No spare, really Toyota?? Anyways, on Tuesday Noah and I were headed to base to get groceries but before we left I had to get our one car seat out of the truck and put it into the Mazda. Silly me put the truck key down on the trunk so I could hook the seat in. That's not that bad part. I saw it sitting on the trunk and thought to myself "Oh man, I better grab that before I drive off and lose it!" Well, about that time Noah is whining because I need to scoot the seat up so she has room, and you will never guess what I forgot to do... Yep that's right, I forgot to pick up the key and drove off with it..
When I realized what I had done I was already on base shopping. I quickly grabbed the phone and called Kevin to go outside and look on the ground, garage, or road. But he found NOTHING. I was so sick to my stomach about it because of it being our only set, I literally put everything back and left to go look for it. I searched for 4 hours riding the same route and walking up and down the road.
That night I called Toyota to see how much it would to make a new key. At first he said $7 bucks and needless to say I was ECSTATIC, but then he "dropped the bomb on me" and told me because it was a newer vehicle that it would be $100 bucks for the key and service and that's not including another $100 bucks for towing!! Therefore, because of the penny pincher I am, I called Toyota and asked if they could do a forgiveness key or something since they only gave us one. Of course, they said no.
The next day after thinking hard about it, I was okay with the key costing money. No use crying over spilt milk, especially when it was my fault! However, I had to call Toyota again and ask what the hold up was on paying off the Jeep since it was a trade in. All they could say was that Ascend FCU will not release information without my consent. Come on, Ascend...Really, you would think you would want your money and besides, it did not have any personal information on it. So then I called Ascend, and they said I needed to come up there and fill out a release form (which I have had other car loans through Ascend and they never asked of this when I traded a car, but whatever they make the rules up as they go), but that doesn't work when I live in AZ. After frantically searching for a fax machine, I found one. After calling back and forth between Toyota and Ascend, everything was golden... At least that's what I thought. My car salesman called and said we owe Toyota $138 because the pay off was more than my ESTIMATE. WHAT THE HELL, TOYOTA. Why the hell didn't you look into that. What if Kevin and I said we owed nothing on the Jeep would you have believed us?? So because I made an estimate that should have been looked into, I now owe a multimillion dollar company $138. Thank you Toyota for rapping every penny out of me...
So quick recap.. $150 for a key because we didn't get a spare.$138 for making an estimate on something that clearly should have been looked into on the day of purchase of the truck.
$300 isn't too bad, but it is when you have other bills to pay, groceries to buy, and save money for Christmas. Ay Ay AY, you can never come out ahead because it's always something.
So we bought a Tundra 3 weeks ago and go figure, they only gave us one damn key...No spare, really Toyota?? Anyways, on Tuesday Noah and I were headed to base to get groceries but before we left I had to get our one car seat out of the truck and put it into the Mazda. Silly me put the truck key down on the trunk so I could hook the seat in. That's not that bad part. I saw it sitting on the trunk and thought to myself "Oh man, I better grab that before I drive off and lose it!" Well, about that time Noah is whining because I need to scoot the seat up so she has room, and you will never guess what I forgot to do... Yep that's right, I forgot to pick up the key and drove off with it..
When I realized what I had done I was already on base shopping. I quickly grabbed the phone and called Kevin to go outside and look on the ground, garage, or road. But he found NOTHING. I was so sick to my stomach about it because of it being our only set, I literally put everything back and left to go look for it. I searched for 4 hours riding the same route and walking up and down the road.
That night I called Toyota to see how much it would to make a new key. At first he said $7 bucks and needless to say I was ECSTATIC, but then he "dropped the bomb on me" and told me because it was a newer vehicle that it would be $100 bucks for the key and service and that's not including another $100 bucks for towing!! Therefore, because of the penny pincher I am, I called Toyota and asked if they could do a forgiveness key or something since they only gave us one. Of course, they said no.
The next day after thinking hard about it, I was okay with the key costing money. No use crying over spilt milk, especially when it was my fault! However, I had to call Toyota again and ask what the hold up was on paying off the Jeep since it was a trade in. All they could say was that Ascend FCU will not release information without my consent. Come on, Ascend...Really, you would think you would want your money and besides, it did not have any personal information on it. So then I called Ascend, and they said I needed to come up there and fill out a release form (which I have had other car loans through Ascend and they never asked of this when I traded a car, but whatever they make the rules up as they go), but that doesn't work when I live in AZ. After frantically searching for a fax machine, I found one. After calling back and forth between Toyota and Ascend, everything was golden... At least that's what I thought. My car salesman called and said we owe Toyota $138 because the pay off was more than my ESTIMATE. WHAT THE HELL, TOYOTA. Why the hell didn't you look into that. What if Kevin and I said we owed nothing on the Jeep would you have believed us?? So because I made an estimate that should have been looked into, I now owe a multimillion dollar company $138. Thank you Toyota for rapping every penny out of me...
So quick recap.. $150 for a key because we didn't get a spare.$138 for making an estimate on something that clearly should have been looked into on the day of purchase of the truck.
$300 isn't too bad, but it is when you have other bills to pay, groceries to buy, and save money for Christmas. Ay Ay AY, you can never come out ahead because it's always something.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Way Over Due
My first and last blog I made was in MAY! I know I know, I'm a little behind--OKAY A LOT! There has been so much going on in The Cheney's life so that means there is a lot to say! Here goes!
My sweet Noah Maye turned 2 on May 12! Of course I cried on and off all day! We didn't have her an all out party in Arizona just because we planned on doing that when we came home to TN over the summer. However, we did do the whole presents, birthday cake, and pictures with just Kevin and I, and that night played softball with the base team, well Noah just watched in the duggout, but she still had a blast! We decided to get Noah a portable DVD player and Princess and The Frog (which happens to be her ALL TIME FAVORITE MOVIE!)
At the end of May, we went to Vegas! Woohoo!!! NOT... I know, call me crazy, but this 21 year old has other fun things in mind than to gamble money away but, that's not why we went. Kevin had a ball tournament for the weekend, which turned out to be a blast because it wasn't HOT like it was in Arizona at that time. Plus Noah was great, which was no surprise, but she was an absolute angel. (Love you, sweet baby. Even though your not a baby anymore, you always be my baby in my eyes.)
The beginning of June was STRESSFUL from a lot of Tennessee family issues that we won't get into. However, the middle of June totally redeemed itself and turned out to be awesome. The Cheney's were headed east to Tennessee for a month of vacation! Oh how I missed my BEAUTIFUL family and friends! My parents looked AMAZING! My mom was 80lbs lighter and my dad was about 30lbs lighter! They just looked GREAT! Furthermore, I got to see two FANTASTIC kids that hang the moon in my eyes, and at the time I hadn't even met one yet! Yep you guessed it, my sassy, crazy cool niece, Alyssa AND my new, sweet and gentle doll baby nephew, Wesley!...It was great seeing the siblings too, I guess... ha ha. Just kidding! My brother and sister both hold a special place in my heart! I'm truly blessed! Onto other people, both sides of my grandparents are doing and looking great! I'm very blessed to still have all four grandparents and 3 great grandparents. (Yep that's right, Noah has 3 great great grandparents! How many people can say that??) In addition, Kevin's parents are doing great! They both have/had many health problems and they both seem to be doing really well, along with his sister, Kendall and 4 amazing cousins, Destiny, Fawn, Cadence, and Haley.
More about vacation, my husband is/was the best. I realize I SHOULD have spent more time with him and his family (well, he should have spent more time with his family too...Uggh Lathan, is all I can say. :) Hope your reading, buddy), but he realizes how attached I am to family and just lets me be, and I guess he also figures he did drag me away from them because of his career and all too, so he can't say too much ;)
Equally important, I have TWO amazing BESTFRIENDS! If I wasn't with family, you could find me with Amber McKenzie or Brianna Patton. What great, down to earth friends...well to me ;) We spent most of our time at my parents house talking about Aliens or gnomes (which both have happened to been spotted in the Hillsboro area...ha ha), or at Manchester, Tn finest bar,
Also, while we were in TN, we had a Noah a proper Birthday Party with actual kids there, she went on a boat for her first time, and road a horse!
Oh how my little girl loves her pawpaw (my dad) and Pepaw (Kevin's dad). For one, she LOVES men, so if your a women and your not her mother you are tough out of luck if you want interaction with her. However, the last week she did come around and really favored her nana (my mom) which was a big surprise since poor Noah was traumatized by her the first night when my mom ran out the back door screaming like a crazy woman to greet us! And, I also believe she started to get around her mema (Kev's mom) a little too! Therefore, she did progress not too many feelings were hurt.
All good things must come to an end. When summer vacation came to an end it was bittersweet. I hated to leave family, but more than ready to go home and lay in my OWN bed! However, this saddens me because I realized I was a visitor to a place that I once called home, and that's the status I would hold for the rest of my life...
When we got back to Arizona, Kevin had to go straight to work and I had to literally harass the college I attend on a daily basis because I was doing more work than the enrollment workers. When everything FINALLY got squared away, Noah and I became lazy and relaxed for a month. Well kind of, my great grandfather had brain surgery. The doctors removed 95% of all of the tumor with a chance it would come back again. He's 90ish and has had a great, long life and I'm glad he is still with us.
On a better note, Kevin made Staff Sergent!! A lot of his friends study months prior and some even took leave, and still did not pass. Not my smart husband, he studied the night before his test and passed! Probably not the best idea, but he proved me wrong! Also while I was on my break, I found out my best friend, Brianna is pregnant and is due in March! Oh how I hope baby has Jerry curls like Michael Jackson!
I am now in Mortuary College and LOVE every bit of it! My peers are great and my Professor, Dr. Taggart is a hoot!!
I think I have updated major happenings for the most part! So, you wonder what Noah does now?? She can:
-Count to 15 in English
-Count to 5 in Spanish
-Knows most letters of the alphebet
-Sings Twinkle Twinkle, Mr. Kickerbopper , I love you, and almost all the songs on a Toddler Cd(Courtesy of my parents), and her abc's
-Talks very well-about 5 word per sentence.
-She is very polite- Thank you, No thank you, Please, Excuse Me, ect and she uses them all in context.
-Did I mention she is a girly girl?? She lets me know her nails HAVE to be painted and she just CAN NOT leave without a bow in her hair. ("Mama, bow? Bow? BOW!?")
Life is good and I'm blessed with an Awesome husband and beautiful, sweet, brilliant daughter.
Thank you, Lord!
My sweet Noah Maye turned 2 on May 12! Of course I cried on and off all day! We didn't have her an all out party in Arizona just because we planned on doing that when we came home to TN over the summer. However, we did do the whole presents, birthday cake, and pictures with just Kevin and I, and that night played softball with the base team, well Noah just watched in the duggout, but she still had a blast! We decided to get Noah a portable DVD player and Princess and The Frog (which happens to be her ALL TIME FAVORITE MOVIE!)
At the end of May, we went to Vegas! Woohoo!!! NOT... I know, call me crazy, but this 21 year old has other fun things in mind than to gamble money away but, that's not why we went. Kevin had a ball tournament for the weekend, which turned out to be a blast because it wasn't HOT like it was in Arizona at that time. Plus Noah was great, which was no surprise, but she was an absolute angel. (Love you, sweet baby. Even though your not a baby anymore, you always be my baby in my eyes.)
The beginning of June was STRESSFUL from a lot of Tennessee family issues that we won't get into. However, the middle of June totally redeemed itself and turned out to be awesome. The Cheney's were headed east to Tennessee for a month of vacation! Oh how I missed my BEAUTIFUL family and friends! My parents looked AMAZING! My mom was 80lbs lighter and my dad was about 30lbs lighter! They just looked GREAT! Furthermore, I got to see two FANTASTIC kids that hang the moon in my eyes, and at the time I hadn't even met one yet! Yep you guessed it, my sassy, crazy cool niece, Alyssa AND my new, sweet and gentle doll baby nephew, Wesley!...It was great seeing the siblings too, I guess... ha ha. Just kidding! My brother and sister both hold a special place in my heart! I'm truly blessed! Onto other people, both sides of my grandparents are doing and looking great! I'm very blessed to still have all four grandparents and 3 great grandparents. (Yep that's right, Noah has 3 great great grandparents! How many people can say that??) In addition, Kevin's parents are doing great! They both have/had many health problems and they both seem to be doing really well, along with his sister, Kendall and 4 amazing cousins, Destiny, Fawn, Cadence, and Haley.
More about vacation, my husband is/was the best. I realize I SHOULD have spent more time with him and his family (well, he should have spent more time with his family too...Uggh Lathan, is all I can say. :) Hope your reading, buddy), but he realizes how attached I am to family and just lets me be, and I guess he also figures he did drag me away from them because of his career and all too, so he can't say too much ;)
Equally important, I have TWO amazing BESTFRIENDS! If I wasn't with family, you could find me with Amber McKenzie or Brianna Patton. What great, down to earth friends...well to me ;) We spent most of our time at my parents house talking about Aliens or gnomes (which both have happened to been spotted in the Hillsboro area...ha ha), or at Manchester, Tn finest bar,
Also, while we were in TN, we had a Noah a proper Birthday Party with actual kids there, she went on a boat for her first time, and road a horse!
Oh how my little girl loves her pawpaw (my dad) and Pepaw (Kevin's dad). For one, she LOVES men, so if your a women and your not her mother you are tough out of luck if you want interaction with her. However, the last week she did come around and really favored her nana (my mom) which was a big surprise since poor Noah was traumatized by her the first night when my mom ran out the back door screaming like a crazy woman to greet us! And, I also believe she started to get around her mema (Kev's mom) a little too! Therefore, she did progress not too many feelings were hurt.
All good things must come to an end. When summer vacation came to an end it was bittersweet. I hated to leave family, but more than ready to go home and lay in my OWN bed! However, this saddens me because I realized I was a visitor to a place that I once called home, and that's the status I would hold for the rest of my life...
When we got back to Arizona, Kevin had to go straight to work and I had to literally harass the college I attend on a daily basis because I was doing more work than the enrollment workers. When everything FINALLY got squared away, Noah and I became lazy and relaxed for a month. Well kind of, my great grandfather had brain surgery. The doctors removed 95% of all of the tumor with a chance it would come back again. He's 90ish and has had a great, long life and I'm glad he is still with us.
On a better note, Kevin made Staff Sergent!! A lot of his friends study months prior and some even took leave, and still did not pass. Not my smart husband, he studied the night before his test and passed! Probably not the best idea, but he proved me wrong! Also while I was on my break, I found out my best friend, Brianna is pregnant and is due in March! Oh how I hope baby has Jerry curls like Michael Jackson!
I am now in Mortuary College and LOVE every bit of it! My peers are great and my Professor, Dr. Taggart is a hoot!!
I think I have updated major happenings for the most part! So, you wonder what Noah does now?? She can:
-Count to 15 in English
-Count to 5 in Spanish
-Knows most letters of the alphebet
-Sings Twinkle Twinkle, Mr. Kickerbopper , I love you, and almost all the songs on a Toddler Cd(Courtesy of my parents), and her abc's
-Talks very well-about 5 word per sentence.
-She is very polite- Thank you, No thank you, Please, Excuse Me, ect and she uses them all in context.
-Did I mention she is a girly girl?? She lets me know her nails HAVE to be painted and she just CAN NOT leave without a bow in her hair. ("Mama, bow? Bow? BOW!?")
Life is good and I'm blessed with an Awesome husband and beautiful, sweet, brilliant daughter.
Thank you, Lord!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Again, the weekend comes to an end.
This weekend sure did fly by. Kev, Noah, and I went to our friends outside wedding on Saturday in Florence and it was absolutely beautiful. I wasn't quite sure how Noah was going to act since she is at the wondering all over the place stage. And for the most part she was a delight to everyone. They couldn't get enough of how sweet and well-mannered she was with all the please and thank-you's she throws around freely. On the other hand, bless his heart, Kevin could barely keep his eyes open. What a terrific friend he is to the groom for going after working a whole 10 hour shift Friday night, going straight to the air force ball game, coming home and get cleaned up, and straight all on NO SLEEP.
Sunday was much more relaxing. Sat around and did absolutely nothing but enjoy each others company. I could really use more days like those.
Enough about this weekend, let me tell you guys what Noah Maye is doing these days...
She is getting to be quite the bossy thing. If you are standing on a chair or even on a step she will say "Get Down! You will fall down!!"(I wonder where she picked that up from lol)
She sings I love you and Twinkle Twinkle. Counts to ten and knows many colors! She knows emotions and asks all the time if we are sad or why are we sad if we aren't smiling. She says are you happy, don't cry, and what's the matter with the cutest expression. There are many other things, but my mind is drawing a blank because it's getting late... I'm going to leave this with a few pictures of this weekend.

Sunday was much more relaxing. Sat around and did absolutely nothing but enjoy each others company. I could really use more days like those.
Enough about this weekend, let me tell you guys what Noah Maye is doing these days...
She is getting to be quite the bossy thing. If you are standing on a chair or even on a step she will say "Get Down! You will fall down!!"(I wonder where she picked that up from lol)
She sings I love you and Twinkle Twinkle. Counts to ten and knows many colors! She knows emotions and asks all the time if we are sad or why are we sad if we aren't smiling. She says are you happy, don't cry, and what's the matter with the cutest expression. There are many other things, but my mind is drawing a blank because it's getting late... I'm going to leave this with a few pictures of this weekend.
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