Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Honeymoon Phase is Almost Over

..and I'm not talking about my 6.5 years of marriage but the complete awe I've been in from living in Europe. I still love Europe, I still want to lay my head down at night in Europe, and I will go as much to say I've made a committment to Europe so I will stay until the end. However, I would be lying if I said I didn't get homesick and I didn't yearn for fast food and a trip to a local Target, but these days are few and far between. The traveling we've experienced and the culture we're immersing ourselves in is much bigger than a trip to Sonic for the beloved Route 44 sweet tea.

I make it a point to go to a town market once a week even if funds are low. It is truly a place you can attend and not need a single euro. The atmospmhere of the markets is almost indescribable. The smell of fresh air with a hint of flowers on a chilly morning is enough to knock you off your feet. Put that with the sights of the vendor's tents on a tiny Italian road, in a town center, surrounded by old buildings, and you'll be in eternal bliss. The markets are a time for my youngest and me to make mom and me memories. He loves them just as much as I do, but how could he not? The Italians have a fit over children. It's almost safe to say my children have been kissed on more by Italian women than by their own mother. Not really, but it's definitely a close running.

We try to travel at least once a month. We are only in Italy for three years. Hopefully six if we are able to ipcot to get another tour. It would be crazy if we didn't try to travel as much as we could. Our bucket list is long, and even if we did extend, I'm certain we couldn't get every place in. We are however trying our hardest. I'm going to leave you with pictures from some of our travels and plan to blog about each place, and how we did it with small children without losing our sanity or breaking the bank.

My family with the statue of Juliet (Yes! As in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet's love tragedy).
Legend says to have good fortune, you must rub her right breast. Notice how worn the metal is.
My daughter and I standing on Juliet's balcony.
An old road leading to the Verona's coliseum.

A Venetian Gondola
The Grand Canal with The Rialto Bridge

My children in Champ de Mars in front of the Eiffel Tower

The Louvre

The Notre Dame

Unfortunately, the amount of pictures my friend and I took is a joke. I appologize, but we were too busy playing in the Adriatic Sea or lounging by the pool with our family, and therefore I only have one photo.

Only 40 minutes away. Look at these rolling hills full of vineyards.

I love this city

The night life in Florence

This little village has won me over

Outside Leonardo di Vinci's birth house
