Friday, December 3, 2010

Christmas time is here, holiday and cheer, fun for all that children call their favorite time of year.

Again, I'm long over due.

Christmas is only 22 days away. Have I mentioned how much I LOVE CHRISTMAS, and how I start shopping and listening to Christmas music at the end of July? Well, I do. I can't help it! I love everything about this time of year like the crisp air, the atmosphere of everyone rushing around, the lights, eating, gaining weight, even rude people at the mall! EVERY SINGLE THING. If there is one wish for my sweet Noah, I hope she cherishes Christmas and giving just like her Momma. I want her to know giving and seeing someone's face light up because you thought and cared about them is a gift in itself. I also hope she teaches this selfless act to her kids just like my mom has to me and my grandfather has to her.

I started Christmas shopping in August and finished up in October. You must be thinking why? Well, I like to NOT be broke for the holidays. AND I like spending time with my family instead of worrying about shopping such as looking at Christmas lights, baking with my daughter, watching classic Christmas films like Christmas Vacation, and keeping my house tidy and smelling like baked apple pie.

We will be leaving to go to Tennessee in 15 days and boy oh boy am I excited. I'm excited for my parents to see Noah! They are going to be shocked when they see how much of a priss she is. I'm also excited about doing things with them as a family again. When Kevin and I were dating, we didn't act like normal teenagers and go out with friends all the time, we WANTED to be around my parents because of how much of a hoot they are. WEIRD I know, but it kept us out of SOME trouble. lol. Anyways, we have a full fun-filled day of Christmas activites one day. We are going to Opryland to go to "ICE" and "SNOW" which has Santa's workshop, real reindeer, snow, and ect. We are going to look at Opryland's lights inside and out, then make our way over to George Jone's house for the normal "viewing" (google it), and making our final stop at The Cheesecake Factory. I know, that sounds very planned. But, I have realized when it comes to my family, if you don't plan you will sit around and "discuss" what to do and before you know it, it's dark and a day is wasted...

On my last note, I'm going to tell you what and how Noah is doing these days.

*The why questions. "Why mommy? Why daddy?"
*hide and seek
*better at counting in English and Spanish
*says a few words in Chinese and uses them in correct context
*loves playing make believe. The kid's imagination is HUGE
*loves to make people laugh by doing anything
*has one heck of a temper but sweet when she wants to be :)
*weighs 34lbs
*38 inches tall